Snowbound (2017)
Great plot; terrible execution!
20 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Snowbound; a movie about a group of strangers waking up naked outside a cabin in the freezing cold snow. When they enter the house they stumble across a dead body.

They are left cryptic clues by an unknown man and they have to work out who the person is and what they want.

Spoilers from now on.

I completely understand the message the movie is trying to convey.

It's a statement about how as people we are all being watched/led by a darkness that's inside us. A darkness that can be pushed into doing something we don't want to but have been manipulated into.

In the movie, the strangers are led to an solution of acting out all of the actions they did to the dead woman in order to survive.

It shows how people will do anything to look after themselves and not help each other.

We watch how each character is being led by their darkness. They read their clue left by the mysterious man, have a flashback and reach a conclusion of what was said above; hurting someone else to survive.

Once they realise that they had messed up and made a mistake; they run away. People run away from their problems and secrets in life in order to bury their head and forget about it. Even something so serious as what they did to the woman.

The only issue is, they're marketing this as a horror movie; which it's not.

They didn't make the story have a pace that it needed, they rushed parts and dragged parts out.

They should have made it more of a secret as to who was leaving the clues, I feel like they didn't need to have a man with a face. Imagine it never showed his face, every time he was on screen it was just a black hole of emptiness.

Our darkness inside us doesn't have a face because we never see it.

That would have made it a little more mysterious.

They also needed to have something worse than what they did to the dead woman. Don't get me wrong; what they did was sick, but they needed a more sinister act to which each person acted out maliciously towards the woman.

For example, picture this;

The woman died as a result of each member thinking they killed her every time.

Someone could have been too rough with her and thought she died so they ran out. Then another character could come in and help her, lifting her up and out of the swing and when she came around, she thought the person helping her was the one that was too rough with her and she started attacking them. The person could then try to calm her down but end up strangling her and running away thinking she was dead. Another character could have been high on hallucinogenic's and came into the room thinking she was some sort of 'monster' and they stab her; thinking they killed her.

So then each character would think they each killed her, they could then have each of them trying to hide it from eachother because they know they would get killed. Imagine all of them trying to hide what they had done and pushing the blame onto others. It would be a good movie. It would be thrilling.

Then when they realise they were all responsible and know that no one knows who actually killed her because they don't know the order they attacked her in, they all start fighting over who they pick. People could even start attacking others to put an end to it.

That would have been so much better.

I award this movie; a small popcorn
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