Messy, Slow and Confused
19 June 2020
I think this movies tries to have it all. The director/writer threw everything possible at this movie and i think sometimes it just doesn't work.

The metaphor that is used is very on the nose but i think it is an important metaphor. However this is not the only one, they then start piling more metaphors on about greed and i think it starts to loose value when you can't commit to one thing. Also just because a movie is metaphorical doesn't make it good. I have seen people comment "You just didn't get it". Yeah i did, it was still messy.

It is also painfully slow. Nothing happens for a very very large chunk of this movie. It just has cameos dotted in through it so that people will be like "Oh cool i love _____". I think the case is a huge issue as well.

Now i love a lot of the people in this cast. It is such a good cast but that is where the studio or someone let the movie down. They pushed so hard about the cast that they made it all rest on them. A lot of the promotion for the movie just talked about the cast, even the poster on IMBd literally talks about the cast. I don't know if they did this because they knew they couldn't market it any other way, i don't know.

Talking of marketing i went into this thinking it was a comedy and then about 30-40 minutes in i thought i needed to check to see if it actually was a comedy so i googled it. I can't even say the jokes were unfunny because i feel it had a lack of jokes and I'm not just talking about really obvious jokes it just wasn't humorous. There were moments, more so later on that i was like "Hm that's a bit funny" but i think that's why people also don't like it because it was marketed as the "Funniest all-Star cast" and it just wasn't.

I have never watched any of this directors other films and i do want to as i think he could make interesting films like there were ideas like the dust coming from zombies and not blood. I really liked that and thought it was a bit different.

So if you like this directors movies you might like this one but i don't know, it was just so slow and stagnant.
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