Tainted (II) (2020)
Well done un-Hollywoodized low budget Canadian crime film
17 June 2020
This is novice writer and director Brent Cote's first full length feature film, with only a handful of shorts and a TV movie on his resume.

Although I found the pacing extremely slow, I was still glued to the screen waiting for what will happen next. The normally comfortable 90 min runtime could've used 10-15 min of trimming on some stretched out and/or unnecessary scenes. Although the story is nothing revolutionary, imo, it was told really well and convincingly, with a perfect ending, and in a refreshingly un-Hollywoodish manner.

The score was surprisingly perfect, especially for a low budget B-film, as was the soundtrack. Directing and cinematography were on point and showcased the film very well. Casting was decent, with most of the characters convincing in their roles. You could tell that better cast-directing by a seasoned director would've added the missing ummph in some dialogued scenes.

But we need to cut some slack for the few rookie mistakes Cote made, as new filmmakers have to start somewhere, right? Still, a very enjoyable neo-noir styled low budget B-grade crime thriller. It's a 7.5 rounded up to 8/10 from me. To see more of my 1000+ ratings and 900+ reviews, click on my username.
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