Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4 (2010 Video Game)
I'm not going home. Not really.
15 June 2020
'Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4 (2010)' is the first of two Lego-based titles chronicling the 'Harry Potter' series. Its gameplay is an extension of that seen in the prior Lego games, a combination of puzzles, combat and exploration that usually culminates in collecting copious amount of 'studs'. The game is, in fact, all about collecting, with its variety of collectible types providing a fair amount of replay value. The thing is mostly mindless fun, the sort of thing you can play while having a conversation with someone. It's enjoyable regardless. Its simplicity enhances its accessibility, which is further bolstered by the fact that there is no spoken dialogue. The game is rather clever when it comes to conveying its narrative, doing it all with visual storytelling and compressing when necessary. It's quite witty in places and is generally charming, to boot. It provides more than a few chuckles and is a great way to experience the world of 'Harry Potter', especially for fans. Indeed, it's this styling that makes it stand out from the crowd. It's great to roam around a semi-open Hogwarts or play your favourite moments from the movies. While it may not be the most accomplished video-game of all time, it's an entertaining experience throughout. For best results, play with a friend. 7/10
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