Ein Luftikus zum Verlieben (2005 TV Movie)
A movie only fools will fall in love with
15 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"Ein Luftikus zum Verlieben", which means "A Luftikus to fall in love with" ( so difficult to translate "Luftikus" I won't even try, maybe you could say "an unsteady person", but in a pretty playful manner), is a German television film from 2005, so this one has its 15th anniversary now in 2020 and even if this is (according to imdb) not an ARD Degeto production, it is still just as bad as those. Apparently, a major German bank was involved with the financing here. Highly questionable, especially with the millions of people ARD and the other stations force people to pay every single month. But now let's take a look at these 1.5 hours we have here. The director is Helmut Metzger and if you take a look at his body of work, you will see quickly that he did almost nothing in the last 12 months except Katie Fforde adaptations. Enough said, really. Shocking stuff. These films are so horrible and so is this one here. However, you can not only blame Metzger, but writer Silke Neumayer carries at least as much guilt with her as the man in charge behind the camera here. So looking at how much of a travesty the screenplay here is, I am kinda glad that Neumayer did not work a lot recently, only made one film in the last 10 years. So you could at least slightly excuse the actors in this film here. However, it stll needs to be noted that nobody forced them to appear in a film of such low quality as this one here. And they also with their lack of versatility and range make the script seem even worse, even if that is almost impossible, when they they really miss the mark. As for lead actor von Stetten, I would say he is still tolerable overall. Only one really embarrassing moment stayed in the mind and that was how he acted when he did not see himself in the mirror. The opposite is true for Sophie Schütt. I have come across her on so many occasions in the past and she was always bad, always over the top and there is no justification for her to get cast whatsoever, not just for lead roles (which happened so shockingly often), but even for smaller characters. She is unbearable and I cannot see any reason why she would get cast other than for her tolerable looks (of you are into blondes). She is garbage like Veronica Ferres, only 10 years younger or so. Florian Fitz is a regular in these crappy movies. Admittedly, I would not say he was really bad here, but just entirely bland and forgettable. Child actress Marie Bruns did not pursue a career in acting, which was a good choice for sure. She was weak as well. Her only other credit stems from another metzger project from the same year. Gregorek plays a total nothing character this time, so I will do it justice and say nothing about her, except her little play with her hands that Schütt's character was not supposed to see was pretty cringeworthy.

A lot about this movie was really cringeworthy indeed. This also refers to the key plot about a man who cheated on his partner and the partner says that he shall be invisible from now on (just out of anger, not voodoo or stuff) and boom he really is invisible for almost the entire movie afterwards. There is no explanation why or what happened. There is also no explanation why the girl can still see him and everybody else cannot. We just have to take certain aspects for facts here no matter how bad they are and how little sense they make. But it is not just the key plot that sucked totally, it's also individual scenes and moments. Like there are two scenes with Schütt's character in which she is walking down the street and talking to herherself, reflecting on life and love and it was so cringeworthy, literally as if the character was downright insane. Clearly made for the audience. Never would this happen in real life. As for the girl, maybe the weakest moments for her were when she she comforts her mother and talks as if she was a female friend calling von Stetten's character a pig or so and another moment with both of them was when von Stetten's character hides the note from the florist delivery boy and the girl sees it and asks what he put away there. The moments how they showed us that the girl was really much smarter than her age were an abomination. There are many many other scenes during which this film sucked. I could come up with a dozen more if I wanted to, but I guess you get the message anyway. Let me just say a few words about the ending. Accidentally, the balloon goes off and boom out of nowhere and completely witout a purpose (except to create a happy ending for the easily influenced) the male protagonist is visible again all of a sudden. What? Why? So ridiculous. And they kiss again after Schütt's character initially insutls him. And all of a sudden, it does not matter anymore that the balloon went off and they simply fly away with it into happiness. Hey who cares if Schütt's character was about to marry another man (yep so quickly). She is together with her old love again. And as for the other man, he doesn't care either. Instead, he is just holding hands with a colleague that he was interested in the whole time anyway. But hey, who cares. Let's just get married nonetheless right?. Also how the girl perceived von Stetten's character quickly in a much more friendly way and how the man's invisibility also taught hiim about becoming less shallow and treating all his employees with more respect was just a depiction of character development as bad as anybody could imagine. The film is indeed as bad as the title suggest with the little clumsy play on words how he turned into air. The inclusion of this word in the film was also pretty incompetent. The daughter says it on one occasion early on. So it is all a mess and impossible for me to say which scene I found the worst here, maybe the one when one character says jokingly somelike why don't you propose to her and the other character indeed starts to propose that very moment without even hearing what the other guy says. That scene was truly an abomination of the worst kind. Or maybe the scene in which Schütt's and von Stetten's characters are dancing together although she did not know he was there. Oh wait, she said she knew all the time right? How deep and meaning ful this film is with the string connection between the two. I was really cringing many times during this film. It turned out even worse than I thought it would and let me assure you that my expectations really weren't high at all. Nuff said. Also, again like so many other times, this film as usual feels pretty anti-male. Just take the two men at the center of the story and how tehy are depicted. Also take the business associate who starts looking at the female protagonist's cleavage and there is another sexist scene. And with "sexist" I do not mean it is against women in this context, but really an abomination how the (of course!) female writer elaborates on men here. The only state in which they are slightly tolerable is when they return to their loving female partner and do everything for them the way it is in the end and definitely not when they go out ith other women on their partner's birthday. Evil, evil men!!! No words for this travesty. So I will definitely stop now. Fat thumbs-down for this terrible, terrible movie. Highly not recommended. Also packed with a great deal pf pseudo drama like hen he saves the falling girl. Alright, really gonna stop now. Bye.
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