11 June 2020
What WERE they doing in the prolonged first scene in the dark?

Honor Blackman is the best thing about this movie, but she is burdened with those frumpy 50s middle-class clothes. "Doris from the office" dresses completely differently - and far more attractively.

Others have dissed the fight scenes - looks like they couldn't afford a fight director and the cast just improvised. The result is the fights look unusually realistic. McDeremott and Blackman also clamber ungracefully over a wall - no clever cutting making it look easy.

Yes the underworld character struggles to conceal his public-school origins, and the owner of a small house-boat attempts to persuade us that he is Scottish, for no good reason.

Much of the action takes place in stuffy interiors crammed with repro tat. And then I fell asleep.
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