Phil Spector (2013 TV Movie)
I looooose my mind ...over you....
11 June 2020
This is a fictionalized affair , which was widely talked about; the picture of Phil Spector in the film seems faithful to the details given by the biographies of artists who worked with him and to Mick Brown's absorbing story of this tycoon ," tearing down the wall of sound, the rise and fall of Phil Spector".Many of his great productions are heard in the film ,including those of the Ronettes,the Crystals ,the Righteous Bros ..... : the names of these artists are never mentioned (speaking of his ex-wife ,Ronnie: "I Found her in the gutter") .Spector did believe it was HIS records ,and he was not entirely wrong : his influence in the field of record producing is incalculable ,and is only rivaled by that of George Martin.He was a crazy genius . There's one mistake on the musical side: Spector never worked with the Beatles as a group ,he was given the "let it be "tapes ,every Fab Four buff knows the whole story.

Al Pacino's Spector is larger than life ; the scene when he insults his wife (whose intervention was recorded) is mind-boggling .Matching him every step of the way is Helen Mirren as his lawyer.
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