X-Men: Night Of The Sentinels Part II (1992)
Season 1, Episode 2
So Long Morph
10 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Not quite as thrilling as the first episode. This one pretty much just sews up what was started in episode 1 without adding too much.

We do lose Morph - but I had already predicted that based on his name not being in the title sequence. We hadn't had any time to emotionally invest in the character, so his death feels a little manipulative. A way to kill off a non-character to have the illusion of stakes.

The highlight was the conflict between Wolverine & Cyclops and their incompatible philosophies. The Wolverine flashback was a cute idea; a bit weird having a flashback though instead of just showing it chronologically seeing as it's all contained in the same episode.

It's an episode that gets us where we need to be - with Jubilee moving in to the Xavier School. It's functional rather than fantastic.
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