Nicht mit mir, Liebling (2012 TV Movie)
The worst movie ever made?
9 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
And trust me, when I say something like that, then I mean it with all the many many films I have seen over the years. But first things first: "Nicht mit mir, Liebling" (initially called "First Lady") means approximately "You can't do this with me, honey.", is a German television film from 2012, so this one will soon have its 10th anniversary. Director Nennstiel has worked on many films and series in the past already, so is certainly experienced, but looking at the quality there, you can easily guess that this one here is not gonna turn out too well either. However, what is far more important than the direction is the script. And boy did these two (Schaefer and Silber) mess up here. Honestly, the screenplay is so so horrible here that I would not even argue against an idea to ban them from making future projects. Also unreal how one of them was partially involved with the screenplay from "Good Bye Lenin". Or maybe not. I always found that movie really overrated. It shows that those in charge back then did not half half the talent people said they did if they are woking on abominations like this movie here nowadays. Or well, actually 8 years ago already. The two leads here are Karven and Meyer, well they are pretty weak, especially Karven. Henning Baum is grinning his way through this movie too and this was made during his "Der letzte Bulle" days. The daughter is played by Ronja Mittelstädt and my oh my was she horrible. She appeared in only one movie before this one here and never returned to acting after 2012 and I totally think it was the right decision. The two elderly actresses who play the protagonists' mother are just as bad, even if the script is not doing them any favors either. That much is safe. Then again, I cannot accept this as an apology. Nobody forced them to accept the roles.

Okay, now when i say there was a scene/moment/quote that totally sucked every 30-45 seconds in this film, then I am not exaggerating. I have never seen something like this before. And I have seen a lot. It is all so stupid, nothing makes sense. I could write a million words if I elaborated on every scene where the film hit rock bottom and I still would not run out of material, but luckily there is a character limit here on imdb and I cannot do so, so maybe I will forget about all the horrible parts. I will mention a few of them though. Just randomly all that crosses my mind. The whole key idea how the female protagonist all out of nowhere starts a political career and manages to beat the mayor who is running re-election and won several times is a complete joke. In general, I have no hope for people who mistake this film on being a statement on strong female characters. Let's not even talk about the premise early on that Meyer was not capable of dealing with his tie or making a salad. Of course, they do not appreciate the housework from Karven's character and then there is this ridiculous oral sex scene involving the husband, which of course happens the same time the daughter has a concert. As for Baum's character, of course he is more than willing to sacrifice his own ambitions if Karven's character takes over. And of course she had a political history herself in the opposition. And of course she knew Baum's character since she was a young girl. And of course the predictions are tied on election day about who wiins. And of course Karven's character wins by 20(!)%. And of course she is so humble that she initially wants to step back because of something that happened where she was not 1% too blame. And of course, Baum's character is also into her because of how stunning and gorgeous and self-confident she is. And of course, in the end she returns to her husband no matter how much he humiliated her after she showed him that she can defeat him any time if she wants to. And of course the husband had such a massive change in character that now he agrees to take care of the house and daughter while she is serving as the new mayor. And of course, there is press everywhere in this little town, while in reality nobody would care about the outcome of the election. And of course, Axel Bulthaupt (it was him, right?) show up too to make us believe this real. Just like ARD always tries to make us believe their fake news and propaganda are real, the one they finance from money that they force the German people to pay them and otherwise you have to go to jail. But that is an entirely different story. But hey, at least they are using our money for quality films like this. Let's go on. Of course, there is a rushed-in environment scandal about which the female protagonist really cares, while her husband does not. Of course, the husband's family is from a rich background and his mother is a blatant racist, while the female protagonist's family has a simple background and achieved what they achieved through hard work. And of course there is a German actress showing us the worst, most stereotypical of a French woman (also with that wig/haircut) you have ever seen in a film. And of course his mother kinds likes her. And of course his mother tells us that her husband also cheated on her several times and that she still stayed with him. And of course Karven's character always tries to make sure that there is no bad impact on her family whatsover from this whole mess. And of course her daughter blames her for daddy having to sleep on the sofa. And of course the child/teenager actress show us the worst reaction (as fake as it gets) a daughter can have when she finds out daddy cheated on mommy. And so on and so forth. Like I said, there are a thousand other references I could make about this film sucking as hard as it gets. It was truly an abomination. Literally I was beyond the point of "so bad it's funny" because it was "so bad it was really really bad". It almost made me physically sick on one or two occasions. I am pretty sure that if I had a ranking of 10 worst films of all time, this one would be right up there, maybe even in the top (or flop) spot. Yes, it is that horrible. However, again, it also shows that actors cannot do much with a script that is truly an insult and the exact opposite of a creative achievement. I mean Hans Werner Meyer is not totally bad here. But yeah, he accepted the role as well, so can't go easy on him either. I don't give one star out of ten (because I rate full stars out of five only), but if I did, this one here would get one star. However, in fact, it deserves zero really. I cannot believe it has over 5 out of 10 here on imdb. This is what people should complain about when it comes to ratings, not "The Shawshank Redemption" being at number one. Oh well, nobody has seen this film here. Luckily. Neither should you. Do not become one of those who have. Even if they pay you. It's an utter travesty that should be forgotten and never be shown on television again. Then again, I am sure Degeto (with their unlimited ignorance and stupidity) will find slots in the future to shove it in the faces of innocent viewers again. Just like they did with me today. Finally, I want to address the women because I know that they are the ones who usually watch anti-male films like this one here. I applaud each and every women who sees through this travesty here and does not fall in the (honestly very amateurish) trap that the filmmakers came up with in their desperate attempts to make people think this is a film about female strength, about emancipation, about finding your own way. Because it is not. It is just one thing: Complete garbage. Highly not recommended. Also shameful how they used a few alright songs here, like Katie Melua's. Maybe somebody should tell the artist and recording company and this could be a valid way to ban the film. No matter which way is picked, as long as it results in the desired outcome, I am all for it!
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