Quick to exploit
7 June 2020
In one one his few starring roles Dan Duryea plays a most cynical newspaper reporter who was fired off his paper and then with money advanced him from gangster Howard DaSylva buys into a small town paper that Gale Storm inherited, but is facing some mountainous debt.

When the murder of the daughter-in-law of town patriarch Herbert Marshall blame falls on he servant Mary Anderson who is black, Duryea is quick to exploit the story from every possible angle.

His exploitation is so crass and cynical that even when he tries to genuinely help no one believes him. Duryea is just great in the role, one of the few anti-heroes he did on screen.

My favorite however is Mary Anderson. Though you could never get away with hiring a white woman for the part now, Anderson is wonderful as the accused murderess and the only real innocent in the cast.

The Underworld Story, an independent from Unite Artists is a real sleeper of a film and an undiscovered gem.
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