13 Reasons Why: Graduation (2020)
Season 4, Episode 10
A good teen drama turned to rubbish
6 June 2020
I don't even know where to begin with this show. I thoroughly enjoyed season 1, as I had read the novel in grade school and I felt that the creators put a very solid amount of effort and style into the first season, more than I would have expected otherwise. I appreciated the story being told, despite its very graphic and widely controversial themes. Still, the cast did well and Hannah Baker's death scene will always stick with me.

Then they announced a season 2. I was not very pleased by this decision, but I was open to it since usually Netflix originals are able to keep the momentum going for the most part. Season 2 was not entirely a lost cause, but it was exponentially lacking in the same style and quality that made season 1 so good. While I'm happy that season 2 continued Hannah's story with her trial, much of the season (like most of them) felt forced and contrived. By the end of season 2, it was so obvious the showrunners were creating storylines solely based on exploitative shock factor, rather than shining the light on important issues and causes. It just didn't have the same sort of impact that made season 1 stand out and not get lost in these tropes.

Then season 3 was announced... A dreadful day to all. After a less than satisfying season 2, I was in no way excited about season 3, even after the trailer revealed it would revolve around Bryce's death, a character we all hate. So you would think it would be intriguing to those who hate Bryce, but it did nothing for me. Just like with season 2, they had driven the show so far off road by this point and unraveled so many characters' developments from season 1, it was setting them back and making characters do things that they would otherwise never do. Even with the introduction of Ani, I never cared about her character and I still don't even after season 4.

Once they announced season 4 would be its last, I honestly had thrown in the towel, but alas I decided to give it a shot - mostly to finish out the show. There was simply so reason for a fourth season, especially after the travesty that was season 3. Hell, season 3 was not necessary whatsoever either! It's obvious the showrunners care more about shock value and retaining its viewership that they decided to come up with anything that would appease younger fans. With that said, I will say that season 4 overall is slightly better than 3 but they are both equally garbage in their own rights as well. It's obvious Netflix made bank off the first season, both financially speaking as well as with viewership - it was the talk of the town and I know for a fact their viewership numbers for the show were probably some of the highest they've ever experienced. So naturally, Netflix decided it was a good idea to turn it into a full series and further explore these characters. But that's the problem, this show should have been a limited series with only the first season. Once they decided to continue the show after season 1, it was no longer about Hannah Baker, who is the REASON this even exists to begin with. The longer the show went on, the less importance and impact it had and now it's fizzled into a very underwhelming and boring series finale. Sometimes, things that are good do not need to be expanded on.

Had the show stopped after the first, I truly think it would be revered as one of the best teen dramas and would still retain its important for shining light on dark issues without outright exploiting it (though some would argue that was still the case with season 1, I do not). Instead, they did what many great shows have done (Game of Thrones, for example) and plunged its future seasons into ridiculous and sloppily thrown together storylines with the occasional shock value to keep your attention. And because of that, a great show with a viral impact turned into a forgettable, lackluster series that I will surely forget about in the years to come.
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