Killing Eve: Are You Leading or Am I? (2020)
Season 3, Episode 8
Massively underwhelming. So many questions...
2 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What happened to Kenny? How the hell can you introduce that at the start of the season as the major plot device and then not even address what actually happened?! Criminal.

Still what are the twelve? Are we really any closer to finding out where they're about/what their aim is?

Villanelle killing Rhian at a tube station? Conveniently empty but what about security cameras...? I thought she was an assassin, seemed very careless?

Why even bother teasing Konstantins death? Great acting from him but could see what was gonna happen from a mile away.

Everyone coming together felt a bit convenient and for the fans. Felt like the avengers or got s8. Bit underwhelming.

What is Carolyn's game? Still feel like I know nothing about her really.

Just confused why they've decided to turn villanelle into a total, careless softie. Seems like an underwhelming character development really.

Bear had a secret camera all through the series and never once thought to check it?! Really?! What a joke. And because it was someone was nicking his sweeties?!! Do me a favour. Lazy.

Konstantin saying "meet us here" and then not saying where they are.

Why has Eve suddenly decided to stand by Villanelle? She beat her up the last time she saw her... not much explanation as to why she's given in.

What's really the point of Geraldine? Great acting throughout, but what purpose does she actually serve? Doesn't change Carolyn at all, none of her scenes have any real consequence, struggling to work out why they randomly brought her in at the start of the season.

I love konstantin but why did he not die? Or at least why didn't she try and get some information out of him before letting him just saunter off? He's gonna die eventually and has flirted with death way too many times it's getting slightly absurd. Just kill him, it made sense at that point.

Man, the writing let down such incredible acting from the amazing cast. I loved season one, season two was still great, but season three was disappointing for me. No clue where this is going next season. I wish the best of luck to whoever has to pick this story up....
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