The Boogey Man
31 May 2020
Dealing with a childhood trauma, Lacey and Willy must overcome their fears and survive the wrath of The Boogey Man

The movie opens up to a woman seducing a man while her two young children watch from the window, unbeknownst to them. When the kids get caught, the man ties up the male child to his bed. Lacey lets Willy loose with a large butcher knife which he uses to then kill the man who is having sex with his mother all while Lacey watches. Fast forward 20 years and we see that Lacey and Willy are all grown up, with Willie being mute from the traumatic events of that night. Lacey is also dealing with trauma of her own as she freaks out each time she sees a knife.

Her boyfriend Jake thinks it might be a good idea if she sees a hypnotist and goes back to the house where it all happened in order to move beyond the trauma. While visiting the house, Lacey sees the man from 20 years ago that was killed. After Lacey destroys the mirror, Jake decides to take it back home with them and use it in order to have Lacey face her fears. The spirit of the dead man appears to be in the mirror as it causes people to either kill themselves or get killed whenever they look into a piece of it's glass.

The Boogeyman is an odd early 80's horror flick that falls into both the slasher and supernatural horror sub genres. A lot of the movie doesn't make sense or isn't explained well enough at least. I get the angle Ulli Lommell was going for with the haunted mirror, but it fails to make a lot of sense in the film. Boogeyman takes a lot of elements from horror movies like Halloween, The Exorcist and Amityville Horror which is obvious. But blending all of those themes/sub genres together like they did in this movie left me feeling like it was a bit of a mess.

The acting was forgettable except for Suzanna Love who played the main character Lacey. She was actually not too bad in this low budget slasher. I also give The Boogeyman credit for it's overall gore and death scenes. There were some super effective killings including some neck stabbings and bloody eyes. I just expected so much more from an 80's movie with this terrific title. So much more could have been done to make this an actual scary movie.

Overall, The Boogeyman is a watchable 80's horror flick that takes many ideas from successful scary movies before it's time. I'd watch it at least once and make your own conclusions.

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