Friends: The One at the Beach (1997)
Season 3, Episode 25
Poker and Deeper Arcs
30 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Rachel and Mon sit at the bar watching Ross and Bonnie. Rachel dislikes Bonnie talking about her sex life and all the men she slept with including in what countries. Joey loves it.

Phoebe invited the gang to the beach where she has a free stay from an acquaintance who is a strange male. She hopes to find answers about her parents.

There is sand indoors and the gang is bored. Phoebe closes her eyes and spins to come to Chandler and points. Chandler repeats what Joey suggested - strip poker.

They play strip poker with cards instead. They gang up on Joey to his boxers. Mon gets up and we see she stripped off her bottoms. She walks to Rachel in the kitchen making margaritas. Rachel is so beautiful in this particular scene - she gushes about the lovey atmosphere.

Bonnie arrives to the dismay of Rachel and the audience. She takes off her top to catch up and reveals a bra.

Ross and Bonnie come down the next morning having had sex the night before. The gang heard. Joey is asleep with sand shaped to make him have a mermaid's tail and breasts. Joey wakes up and likes the breasts.

Bonnie goes out in a black bikini top revealing everything. Rachel pushes her to shave her head. The gang is shocked to see her bald and the boys make comments. The moonlight is shining off her head and she does not have a single hair on her head.

Their beach outfits are cute.

We see Ross go upstairs to the bedrooms and enters the left one. We don't know if it is Rachel's or Bonnie's.
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