Bungo Stray Dogs is a must watch but the movie doesn't completely deliver.
28 May 2020
Watching the movie is a must to help close out some storylines and build the base for the 3rd season, but I was left a little disappointed after a great buildup.

Regardless the important part is the war between an occult based detective agency and the mafia running the seedy underbelly of the city continues!

  • Strong Characters, even the cliched stereotypes are amusing and well done.
  • Actions have consequences.
  • Redemption is possible, but it's not easy.
  • "Good guys" and "Bad guys" are well balanced (in comparison to each other).
  • Excellent Intro/Closing music.
  • Resolution on some story arcs, buildup for more to come.
  • Main protagonist finally gets over some of his fears.

  • Movie's ending feels rushed, up until then it was very strong.
  • Diamond shapes pupils and irises are not my thing.
  • Some shortcuts in the animation when dealing with characters seem from a distance, not a fan.
  • Inconsistent animation, much of it is well done, but some distracting exceptions.

Overall look forward to a 4th season if it happens.
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