Titans: Dick Grayson (2018)
Season 1, Episode 11
So goes all bad TV, in the bin
24 May 2020
It seems all DC superhero shows will go the same way, straight into the garbage bin. When I initially heard the announcement of a DC Titans tv show, I cringed, but after the teaser trailer I figured I'd give it a go, the only downside I could see was the fact Geoff Johns was involved, in itself that should have been enough reason to steer clear of this show, instead I gave it a go & began watching, for the most part I enjoyed it, Hawk & Dove were interesting but ultimately disappointing, the use of "Beast Boy" was very disappointing, "Raven" was disastrously disappointing, "Starfire" was borderline woke garbage, the inclusion of Donna Troy "Wonder girl" was wasted, the character of "ex" Robin as a "psychopath" & then the use of the New "potty mouth" Robin as a complete idiot just added to the fact I should've gone with my initial reaction & avoided this show, the only thing that kept me watching was the plot, Trigon was the bad guy & I wanted to see how they would handle the character & the tease of "Superboy" & especially Krypto was enough to keep me watching. Now this is TV & there has to be careful consideration on how to portray these characters from comic book to TV show & ultimately its all going to come down to budget constaints, but surely budget doesn't determine imagination only it's implementation, because "imagination" sure seems to be the missing quality, this show is littered with mindless brutal fight scenes, again this shows little to no understanding of the superhero genre. So the1st season ended without conclusion so would be continued or concluded with season 2,now that's ok, gotta keep the fans hooked, but on conclusion of season 1 I found the only real good thing about the season was the "bad guys", Trigons minions, they were handled brilliantly while the shows "heroes" were awful, at the end of the season it was clear that those in charge of the DC franchise really don't care how their characters are portrayed, apart from Beast Boy & possibly Raven none of these characters are likeable, all of them are portrayed as psychopaths or lunatics which again leads to the conclusion that these characters are being used by people that either don't understand or care about the characters. So season 2 began & it soon became apparent the "Trigon" story was a total dud, an entire season wasted in the build up of a character the shows producers either couldn't do justice to or weren't prepared to find the budget for, so instead they give us the super assassin "Deathstroke" an absolute joke of a comic character, created in 1980 with an origin & storyline as ridiculous as any could be in the 80s & yes the inspiration for the original deadpool created by an equally tacky writer to johns, season 2 is an even bigger let down than season 1,the storyline is bland & boring with the telling of the Titans before the Titans, it would've made more sense if the backstory was of the "Teen Titans" with actual teens playing the characters but no instead it's backwards, the former team are called Titans played by adults, so this new team, of teenagers should be the Teen Titans, but no they're also called the Titans, just poor storytelling. Dissapointingly the tease of "superboy" from season 1 isn't touched on till episode 6 of season 2,the construction of season 2 is absolutely shambolic, a complete mess, character development beyond who's sleeping with who is non existent, everything about this show is poor from characters to plots/storyline, a far better choice would have been to do the Deathstoke storyline in season 1 building to the Trigon storyline in season 2 & to at least have the Titans battle Trigon with Raven delivering the final blow that defeats him, but instead its drab drama lingering on awful characters outlining how crappy they really are interspersed with awful choreography of stylised martial arts. There's a saying "if a Jobs worth doing, it's worth doing well" clearly "Titans" wasn't worth doing or this show would & should have been better
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