Dreadful movie wants to be a cult movie so bad.
23 May 2020
You cannot set out to make a "cult film", that is something that just sort of happens. "Small Apartments" directed by Jonus Akerlund tells the story of Franklin Franklin who lives in a seedy apartment and for some reason just goes around in his underwear. His name is "Franklin Franklin" because that kind of sounds quirky like something that would make a good cult movie. Everything in this film is designed to make it live on as a cult movie. He is also bald which sort of gives him the look of an overgrown baby. For one reason or another the film starts out with Franklin in his apartment surrounded by a myriad of empty soda bottles. On the floor is the landlord and he is dead. That is another thing that filmmakers do when they want to make a quirky cult movie, just have somebody dead and the characters don't know what to do with the body. Usually it's a dead stripper and this time it is a dead landlord.

I have never seen a movie that tries so hard to be a dark comedy / Cult film. It tries way too hard to be weird and its just too obvious. It just fails miserably, and it is not particularly funny either. For some reason Billy Crystal is in the film as a detective trying to find out just what happened to the landlord.

Aside from Crystal the film also has James Caan in the cast. Caan plays another tenant of the seedy apartment and all his character does is yell at Franklin in two or three scenes, he literally does NOTHING else. I suppose there is a story behind the fact that Crystal and Caan are in this mess. Maybe they were doing somebody a favor I suppose.

Padding out the cast is Johnny Knoxville as another tenant dressed in 80s punk rock fashion. Rosy Perez is also in it. The movie deals with these wacky characters in this apartment as the detective tries to get to the bottom of what happened. The problem with the characters is that they are not real people, they are "cult film characters".

This is the kind of movie people might say they like hoping it might make them sound edgy or something. I have personally never even heard of this thing until I just happened to see it advertised on Amazon as I was shopping for groceries during the quarantine.

Pass on this one.
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