Ughhh, a 5th grader - no wait... a 5 year old could've written a better screenplay.
22 May 2020
There were more plot holes than the unnecessarily long and sappy 90 minute cat and mouse runtime smh. I get that this is amateur writer Doug Wolfe's first ever writing credit, but c'mon, didn't anyone else proofread this ridiculous long dragged out mess?

Here's the math: of the 90 min runtime, subtract 7 mins for opening and post credits. Then we have 20 mins of some bad guys involved in, what, I don't know, that also pull off a stupid stunt, as well as the Brady Bunch family, where the son is a failure, for, I don't know what. The remaining 60+ minutes is the most ridiculous and illogical plot-riddled to the point of hilariousness cat-and-mouse game, with dragged out long and useless scenes. Add the soap-opera sappy dialogue between two brothers, and the father and son trying to rekindle their relationship - amidst the so called terror. Escape, come back, hide, get caught, repeat. And even for criminals, the stupidity in their actions were laughable. It got annoying very fast. Had this film been a 20 min short, it may have received a 5 or 6 from me.

Bruce Willis was his usual "look at me I'm Bruce Willis" attitude with his stale monotonic washed-up tough-guy demeanor. But that I expected going into this, because anything worse than a Bruce Willis film, is another Bruce Willis film. Even the pretty Lydia Hull, who oddly is in almost every Willis film, was boring and stale. The rest of the cast were ok, with the bad guys being the most convincing, and made the effort to act. I'm sure failure from the director to direct his cast properly was a big part of the rest of the characters' failed acting.

The directing was also sub-par with some terrible editing. For a b-grade film, the score wasn't as annoying as I'd expected it to be, but still somewhat overbearing and unfitting. The cinematography was ok, but bad in the night outdoor scenes.

If you watch this film at 5x faster speed, even without hearing any dialogue, you'll get the gist of the entire story, which is nothing new and done many times before. Sadly, it's a generous 3/10 from me, and I will never get my 90 minutes back.
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