Review of Ultras

Ultras (2020)
A good film, if an entirely predictable one
17 May 2020
A good film, if an entirely predictable one.

'Ultras' portrays the world of Italian football ultras, a thing that has always intrigued me given I follow Serie A; though admittedly I have little actual knowledge about supporter culture in Italy. Based on what I do know, I like how the film is put together. It's shot very nicely.

The acting is better than average, though Aniello Arena is the clear standout. I really enjoyed his performance as Sandro. The other cast members are all fine in their respective roles.

The premise is largely fun to watch, though from the middle of the second act the film does lose its momentum. It regains some of it for the final major event, though it stills affects my feelings towards this. The cinematography is decent, also.

In conclusion, it's a solid one to watch.
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