Bad even for Horror Channel
17 May 2020
Asylum should hang their heads in shame - what a disaster of a movie! So much wrong with this, it would be difficult to know where to start. As someone pointed out, if you've ever been to Pompeii you know what it's like - you can't drive up in a coach, hop off and walk straight into the ruins - there's a bus and coach park, and a ticket office where you have to buy entry tickets. At one point, the characters walk past 2 bodies (remains of the victims of the 79 AD eruption) - wrong again, the bodies are kept in a secure location, not just left in the street. After the first tremors, the cast are seen walking close to a wide expanse of fields (nothing like that near Pompeii). Despite Vesuvius erupting, there are frequent scenes with blue skies, no darkening of the skies, smoke or anything in the air. There's no large museum like building in Pompeii (it's in Naples), a mud flow doesn't flow that fast and the lava flow? Engulfs the building and chases the cast up to the roof of a large building - the entire area around would be under feet of lava - give me a break!! And a pyroclastic flow flattens everything in its path (see Dante's Peak) but yet the cast survive and it's announced towards the end that some of Pompeii still stands. Do yourself a favour and avoid this at all costs!!
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