Saint Frances (2019)
Feels like it was written per a checklist
17 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Or it was an entry in the "Woker Than Thou" festival.

They did check all the boxes:

Abortion? Check.

Multi-racial Lesbian couple with adorable child? Check.

Hateful rich white people who are pro-life? Check.

Guuurl Power (menstruation is groovy, gooey, goodness!)? Check.

Men are either sexual predators/users or soft and aimless boys who don't amount to anything? Check

I'm exaggerating a little bit, but not much.

Which is too bad. The lead actress/screenwriter had an appealing nature, and the actors did a pretty good job, but for the love of creativity, can we have a mean LBGXYZ character once in a while? Not every unpleasant person in the world is a melanin deficient breeder. Sheesh.
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