hooked in the first few eps, regretted at the end
15 May 2020
First few episodes hooked me in, last couple of episodes, particularly the very last: I regretted ever starting.

and 90% of the reviews here reflect the same: nearly all 7+ star ratings are people that only watched the first 1, 2 maybe 3 episodes before reviewing: I agree started good the 4 or less star reviews: from those that waited to the end to review: I agree, overall and ending it was abysmal and pointless.

4 stars would be a the best realistic average rating based on reviews of the entire season.

So what did we learn here: ignore reviews from anyone that has only watched the first few episodes, clearly a lot of people got wedgied here. (... and IMDB really should look to disallow reviews of TV series until after the last episode of the season airs.)
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