An entertaining piece of B-grade sci-fi/horror trash
13 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A ragtag group of misfit soldiers led by Lt. Martin Kirn (a solid performance by Sal Landi) are sent on a top secret mission to retrieve a stash of live ammo left on a remote island. However, it turns out that there's a very angry and vengeful alien on said island.

Director Harry Bromley Davenport relates the enjoyably dopey story at a snappy pace, treats the silly premise with admirable seriousness, and delivers a satisfying serving of nasty gore for grisly good measure. Moreover, the game cast play it laudably straight: Andrew Divoff as the hard-nosed and untrustworthy Captain Fetterman, Virgil Frye as a crazy old guy survivor, Jim Hanks as bumbling goofball Friedman, Karen Moncrieff as the feisty Watkins, David M. Parker as the excitable Reilly, Daryl Haney as raving psycho Hendricks (Haney also wrote the dippy script), and Andrea Lauren Herz as the scrappy Banta. Robert Culp spends his limited screen time as the shifty Major Guardino sitting behind a table in the middle of a hanger. The scenes with the scrawny hilariously obvious puppet alien attacking and killing folks are absolutely hysterical. The cut-rate (far less than) special effects and the ridiculous cougar growls made by the alien further enhance this flick's considerable kitschy charm. A real schlocky hoot.
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