Ravening (2019)
Haunting obsession for love
10 May 2020
The trailer suggested this movie to have some unexpected twists and turns in a romantic relationship.But it never even hinted about the dark and realistic often undiscovered territory of the human mind that is showcased in the second half of the film.

Like many other romantic movies this movie opens up with a normal relationship building up from day to day events.The character played by Lima Das named as Nirmali is a pediatric surgent and with a sudden turn of fate somehow meets the male protagonist Suman played by Arkaprava Barua. Though by the first half it was clear that Nirmali is married and this relationship was sort of extramarital but that was pretty common in movies like this.

The original twist comes in the second half of the movie.This slow pace of events through out the entire runtime was the main catalyst to what comes next.The change in the tone of the movie was so gradual that it slips right under our skins and we only realize it at the end of the story that whatever we were watching is just a twisted representation of human obssessions. The story is revealed in such a flawless fashion that we cannot even fathom to realize for a moment the signs of extreme darkness lurking around every scenes .

Aamis is a Bengali-Assamese word which generally means non-veg.Both of the protagonists have this common trait of love for non veg dishes.However a twisted enough meaning of this word is more than enough to describe the true nature of the movie or story to unfold.The English naming of this movie "Ravening" is more suitable to describe it.
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