very handy
9 May 2020
It's nearly fifty years ago in the small Italian village of San Stefano. Bruce Conrad (Robert Alda) cons money from tourists. His friend, pianist Francis Ingram (Victor Francen) lost the use of his right side and lives in a mansion with his nurse Julie Holden (Andrea King) and his secretary Hillary Cummins (Peter Lorre). Various people gather to fight over Ingram's fortune after his death.

The hand is mighty and this hand is a beast. I would like to have more of the hand earlier. There are some functional effects but I want more. That's the money shot better than the premise. As for the premise reveal, I like it but I don't like the comedic turn at the end. The movie needs to stay dark. As for the acting, there is no one better than Lorre at being creepy. He is the king of creeps. This is good.
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