Still Impresses, Although Could Have Been Better!!
8 May 2020
With a shorter running time, you'd be forgiven for thinking the closing chapter of this adaptation felt somewhat, rushed. Yes, there's still the high production values, beautiful cinematography, and attention to detail - not to mention the added bonus of the armoured titan and colossal titan (played by the wonderful Jun Kunimura) in action - yet something feels missing.

Some of that is the smaller cast, with the characters moved out of the city, and some of it is less horror as very few titans show up on their journey. The film spends the majority of its time playing out as a rescue mission for Eren (played by the handsome Haruma Miura), which leads to some big action pieces, lots of blood splattering, and some great shots with the team on their wires!

While stunning and impressive seeing the titans in action, the overall finale seemed a little underwhelming considering what Eren could really do with his ability. Still, putting the obvious changes and flaws aside, the film entertains and wraps things up as a two-parter.

Overall: Best watched back-to-back with part one, the conclusion could have been bigger on time and action, but ultimately, entertains!
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