Scissor Seven (2018– )
I did not expect to like this as much as I did
8 May 2020
I will be honest, I saw the trailer for this on Netflix and added it to my list because it looked interesting and goofy enough to waste at least 15 minutes on an episode, without giving it much thought. It stayed in my list for a couple of months until I finally got around to it. And I'm really happy I did. At first i went into it more as background noise, it wouldn't be the first show that i had in the background, just so the room isn't silent while I'm doing something else. Initially had it set on english, so I didn't have to pay much attention to the screen, while still hearing what's going on. But in the middle of the 3rd episode I realised that I was actually paying more attention to the show than I initially wanted to, and the story started to suck me in. The characters show up one by one, not crowding the episode, and they each get an explanation on who they are and why they do what they do but not necessarily from the start (you will get some heartwarming backstory on a few of the characters in the OVAs and episodes in season 2). The show is mainly a comical one, with splapstick gags employed throughout each episode, but with a dramatic tone that makes itself felt especially in the backstory episodes or in the main storyline. Overall, the show is great, with very good character building, even if the style of animation might be off-putting for some.
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