Review of The Wretched

The Wretched (2019)
A well executed practical effect focused throwback horror story, that delivers the disturbing imagery and a coming of age feel that older horror's had more of.
3 May 2020
The Wretched trailer caught my eye a few months back and i thought it looked very intriguing. I then saw it was also receiving some great reviews from people that were at fall festivals it was shown at. I have always been looking for a witch themed film like this but had always been let down by blown potential of past films which I'm sure everyone can guess what those obvious titles were...

Honestly this film finally scratched the itch i had for a vicious witch tale with excellent makeup/practical effects and an extremely creepy atmosphere. It also isn't afraid to show viewers actual visuals of the main terrifying entities we've read or heard about for ages. The story also has a relative coming of age kind of feel to it with the main character that reminded me of many horror films of the 80's and made it more charming and fun. There were even some well placed sprinkles of comedy throughout that showed the film didn't have to take itself as serious or pretentious as some other films with same subject matter have.

Direction wise the camerawork is also very crisp and very well done, and the SFX add a lot to the experience. What really shines as i already mentioned, is the extreme attention to detail in the makeup/practical effects realm. To make a great creature/feature horror film, these are integral. To see a film in 2020 utilize that good old fashioned practical craft over CGI effects is very commendable and refreshing.

There are some moments that many will find cliche, and a few twists that may seem a bit unnecessary, but few and far between when considering how well done this lower budget film ends up finishing. Overall it's a fun throwback and a very straightforward horror film that gives the visual goods and the ominous feel that should come with its subject matter.
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