Frankenstein's Island is an incohorent one.
2 May 2020
I have to say, this is one film that you do not ever have to worry about clicking the 'yes' on the spoiler option, because I literally cannot think of anything that you can spoil in this one. The film is incoherent, the characters do things that make little to no sense and the ending is one of those that seems like the writer could not think of a good way to end it. It also looks and feels more like a film made in the late 60's or early 70's than from a movie from 1981 as there is no gore, no mutants like the description says and very little Dr. Frankenstein.

The story is a bit hard to talk about as there virtually is none. Starts out showing balloons and then guys coming on shore to an island as their balloon has apparently crashed. You know you are in for a good time when they do not even bother to show you a balloon crash. Well, the arrive in a raft, but the four men and dog named Melvin go through the John Carradine caves and into a field where there are logs so they can make a raft because apparently the perfectly good rubber raft is not their thing and they would rather have one made of logs and tied with string. They come across some gals in bikinis who actually think they are sexy, but they promptly follow the pudgy laughing guy with an eye patch who leads them to Shirley Frankenstein's place, though she is married to Van Helsing, while Dr. Frankenstein is dead and only appears some times yelling about the power. Though not sure what they were doing on the island as the film is just random, the only thing you are going to see a lot of is guys walking from one point to the other.

The film has John Carradine, but he mainly floats in the sky and yells, "The Power! The Power!" over and over. A few other people in the film, but most are the type you find in movies like this one. This film needed some major sprucing up to be any good as it needed monsters and blood! Also, no point in having bikini clad girls if you are not going to show boobs. They also show the girls in the dark so we hardly see them, but they had no problem showing Shirley Frankenstein's cleavage in bright light and she reminded me of old Bea Arthur...

So not a very good film in the least. The only thing that this film has that can be considered good are the girls, but I can see girls all over the internet and in better done 80's horror than this one. Just having guys meander on an island as disembodied John Carradine shouts is not very fun. The heroes of this picture pretty much fail in epic fashion though considering the villains had a way to paralyze a person and a laser that disintegrates people, the heroes should of never had a chance...
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