Plot holes distract from actual plot... Of which there is barely any.
30 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the concept of this film but the execution was laughable. The inaccuracies in this movie were also so distracting from the plot, and they were plentiful:

If she's hired by an agency to be a carer, she wouldn't receive her salary packet from the person she's caring for!

The police would NOT release the body from a suspicious death, with an ongoing investigation, to a carer so she can honour his wishes of being cremated, SURELY they would have carried out an autopsy first to determine the cause of death.

The manager at the agency would NOT just come around running his mouth accusing his ex-employee of gross misconduct and then illegally enter the property at night to further investigate?? Like, what??

And the reveal at the very end of the film. I'm sorry, that's the first time she turned on the sprinklers in four months? Nah. And it also hadn't rained in that time? Nah. If he was so complacent in hiding those diamonds (couldn't even bury them properly) they would have revealed themselves sooner.

There were plenty more but I'm not going to waste anymore time on this sorry excuse for a film.
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