Friday Night Dinner (2011–2020)
Could Do Better
28 April 2020
Have just finished watching season 1, and I must say it is a pretty decent sitcom, but suffers from repetitive gags and jokes - such as the sons pouring salt in glasses of water, and Jonny, the dad, mishearing his family, or Jackie, the mother, constantly despairing at how hopeless both her husband and sons are at doing the most simple domestic tasks.

Jim, the creepy next door neighbour, is also a bit of a one-trick pony with his constant knocking on the family's door under the pretext of using their toilet while secretly desiring Jackie.

These gags work for the first couple of episodes, but soon begins to burden the show come episode 4 or 5, and you're just looking for something different.

I will give the show another couple of seasons to see if it develops into something far more entertaining. I like the characters, but the writing needs to be a bit more imaginative because the actors are capable of much better.

That said, at least there is no canned laughter - which for me is always a bonus
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