House of Cards: Chapter 59 (2017)
Season 5, Episode 7
"There is no justice, only conquest"
28 April 2020
After a disappointing "Chapter 58", which had the opportunity to improve upon the problems that the previous Season 5 episodes had but didn't and made them worse, a large part of me was not sure what my expectations were for "Chapter 59". Part of me was intrigued, as it is 'House of Cards' which on the most part was a great show with many outstanding episodes and so many fantastic things. Part of me was also apprehensive, as Season 5 generally could have been so much better.

"Chapter 59" luckily is the best episode up to this point of Season 5 and one of the season's best. A huge improvement over "Chapter 58" at any rate, though of course that is personal opinion. There is much more of what made 'House of Cards' so great when on form than in the previous Season 5 episodes, and those good things are done extremely well. And less of their problems, even if a couple of the problems are still here (don't consider any of the Season 5 episodes perfect just to say).

Will start with the bad things this time. Once again, everything with Claire and Yates really doesn't compel, slows the episode down when present, is quite soapy in writing and Yates as a character really lacks spark.

The episode though looks slick and classy as always. Apart from one subplot as aforementioned, the writing is mostly a return to the sharp, thought-provoking bite and not the rambling over-talkiness evident in a couple of the previous episodes. Even when a little more deliberate, the pacing actually feels much tighter. And while Seasons 1-4 were more cohesive, "Chapter 59" doesn't feel as muddled as the previous Season 5 episodes or as try too hard. Also more consistently absorbing and there is more political intrigue.

Furthermore, the character writing isn't as simplistic here (apart from Yates) and the tension is definitely there. Love Frank and Claire, wonderfully ruthless characters and their chemistry at its best brings shivers down the spine.

Tom Hammerschmidt's character also shows a lot of promise and of the just introduced characters (pretty much) Jane Davis fits that distinction too. There is definitely more room for clearer motivations, but at least she is a character one in my view wants to see more from. In terms of performances, one doesn't expect anything less than terrific from Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright and one is not disappointed. Boris McGiver and Patricia Clarkson are also standouts.

Summing up, very good and one of the best episodes of Season 5. 8/10
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