Review of Manhunt

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Manhunt (1989)
Season 2, Episode 19
Eccentric mothers, fish headed aliens and madcap romantic-comedy humor ensues
23 April 2020
"Manhunt" is truly a one funny whale-of-an-episode., with Lwaxana Troi, Counselor Deanna Troi's eccentric, yet good natured Betazoid mother, makes her second appearence. Lwaxana is just as brassy, scheming and ourageously funny as ever and this time... she is looking for love - in Jean-Luc Picard!

Lwaxana has entered a Betazoid mid-life crisis where her sex drive dramatically increases and she goes around looking for a new husband - much to Captain Picard's chagrin, as he tries everything he can to avoid the wildly-lovesick Betazoid woman, from having Data crash a dinner party to wisking himself into a virtual pulp-fiction, hard-boiled detective universe.

Adding into the mix of chaotic comedy are the fish-headed Antedeans. Although they spent most of the episode frozen in a weird catatonic state, their bizarre appearences take the brunt of comedic banter, from Wesley Crusher's sightly sickened reaction to the appearence of the Antedeans' food (which looks like raw fish in cold water) to Lwaxana's startled, gasps to their appearence, followed by her comparisons to the Antedeans to seafood ("I still think they look better in sauce" and "I think I've seen something like that... on a plate!") Only Worf seems fascinated by the bizarre Antedeans, calling them a "handsome race" at one point.

In the end, the Antedeans turn out to be assasins (thanks to Lwaxana's super-sharp mindreading abilities). So, while she causes eccentric problems for the crew of the Enterprise, Lwaxana manages to prove herself helpful in saving an upcoming ambassadorial meeting from assasination attempts.
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