Whoever said this is better than Fincher's Se7en in their review is out of their mind
23 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a see-it-once-and-forget popcorn movie flick decent for a weekend midnight viewing. But it's entirely forgettable and has none of the masterwork that went into Finch's FAR SUPERIOR crime thriller. In fact, Plagues of Breslau ripped almost all of its plot elements off from Se7en, including the methodical-killer-working-off-a-bullet-point-list-of-pious-morals-which-inspires-all-of-their-murders. Hell, the movie even ends with a 'shock reveal' head-in-the-box climax that showed 0 ingenuity in writing. It was predictable as hell about 30 minutes in and it was very easily guessed who the killer was (dead giveaway when they show the forensic investigation of the second plague scene with the guy ripped apart by horses).

this movie serves up plenty of gore with mainstream sensibilities, including a rather graphic autopsy scene after the intrudoctory murder. what really makes Breslau different than Se7en, however, is the EXTREME UNLIKEABILITY of the two women who are investigating the crimes. yeah yeah, trauma-and-ptsd-from-the-death-of-a-loved-one-and-unfair-life-circumstances are supposed to explain to us why these two women are the two most unlikeable females on the planet. they're gruff with raspy batman voices and the cliche omniscience that gives them an Adrian Monk-like ability to figure stuff out on the spot. The idea for the plot was interesting but ultimately the execution was just BAD. 5 stars is more than enough for this highly forgettable, cookie cutter gore-thriller.

If you actually want a movie that's similar to Se7en and much better than Plagi Breslau, give the 1999 Korean gore-thriller 'Tell Me Something' a watch instead. Plagi Breslau is an easy skip (but also an easy watch if you have a free 90 mins to spare). 5/10
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