Where's The Devil?
22 April 2020
The title of this film is incorrect. The devil has little to do with the story. It is, in fact, about an extreme Christian Religion. As stated in the film, some local cultures adapted their beliefs and religions with those of the Christian missionaries. We all know how nasty those Christians could be. "Exorcise The Devil" would have been a more apt title as that's what the disciples were trying to do.

Writer and director Frank Q. Dobbs and David S. Cass Sr would have done better if they had expanded on the religion itself. I liked the concept of the religious mix. The missing people were a good hook to keep the story moving at a nice pace and to bring in the police. Missing from the story are the devotee's reasons. Most religions have specific punishments for specific crimes. It would have strengthened the story had we been told what crime received which punishment. We also needed more of the religious element,

At least Dobbs was better at directing than he was at writing. Though his shooting style is pedestrian, and he keeps the storytelling to a steady trot it works well for the film. Though there are a few scenes, such as the rape sequence, the runaway mine car, and all the killings and religious segments that would have become enhanced with a change in pace and a few varied angles and imaginative lighting. This would have lifted the film out of the ordinary.

The acting was okay. Nobody stank too much or tried to steal the show. On the whole, they are believable in their portrayal of their characters. Though I have to say the only actor I recognised, Joshua Bryant, who I've regarded as a steady and solid actor, is out of sorts in the film. It's like he just turned up on set, said his lines, and waited in his trailer for his next scene. This doesn't deter from the film as he's not the main character. He needed to be a tad more forceful, especially at the revelation.

This average chiller could have been better... Way better. As it stands I wouldn't recommend you rush out and buy it. But should it appear on telly, cable, satellite, or streaming service (but don't pay-per-view it) then check it out. It'll pass some time away.

Ratings: Story 0.75 : Direction 1 : Pace 1 : Acting 1 : Enjoyment 1 : Total 4.75

Come, take a pilgrimage over to my Killer Thriller Chillers list and see where this religious flick ranked in my chart.

Take Care and Stay Well.
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