Review of The Power

The Power (1984)
The movie at first seems to be very random...
22 April 2020
I watched this film not sure what to expect and what I got I was not expecting. I do not know what was going on within the first ten minutes of the film as it literally seemed like we were just watching random scenes that only mildly interconnected; however, some semblance of a plot finally formed and we were left watching a dude who looked like cousin Larry's stand in, on the show Perfect Strangers try to figure out an idol of ultimate power and evil! Then we get something that makes it seem like the first two scenes were not completely random and then it ends.

The story starts out as a teacher makes a student's nose bleed and cuts a guy's neck before he is impaled upon a pole. Then the guy with his neck scratched is in Mexico or something and he finds an idol. Not sure why he did not take the teacher's, but then who cares as we get students doing a seance and one of the boys has his own little statue. I thought the teacher said there was only one, but at this point three have been revealed. Cut to a scene of a woman welcoming her ex to stay with her and he hears about the idol from the kids and inexplicably wants to learn more about it and he soon becomes possessed and obsessed with the Power!

It is not all bad as there are a couple of good death scenes within the film, I just find it crazy how the movie started out. It literally seemed like there was no story, or that this was an anthology film about the little statue. Then we keep getting different characters shoved in our faces and they are all quite unlikable including Jerry the guy who was the ex. Who invites their ex to stay at their place? Then there is mention of the lead female's dad as if he is important to the plot, but he is not even in the movie with the exception of his not so shocking reveal. Just seems this film was writing a script as it went as still not sure what the point of the teacher was, I was waiting for the film to reveal itself as backstory to how he got the idol.

So, this film is a pretty low budget horror film that does have an interesting concept going on, but needed a bit of a more coherent story line going on. The first bit of the film is just confusing as it literally seems like there is supposed to be some more backstory or that this is a sequel to another film that we should have watched to understand the opening couple of scenes. Then, when the film begins to actually play out like an actual film, it gets bogged down and a bit tedious until Jerry starts to become deformed with a hideous big nose! Then before you know it, the film is over...seems they could have done more with the concept other than what played out.
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