Prodigal Son: The Professionals (2020)
Season 1, Episode 19
Overall great episode but....
21 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Kudos to the show for fixing a problem that was increasing with every episode. I loved the character and idea of Eve, but I wasn't really buying the actors' chemistry together. But the concept! Can a romance happen and last between the son of a murderer who murders for the love of murder and one of his victim's sister? Truly an intriguing question! Of course, Malcolm, like every handsome, brooding main character in a tv show can't have lasting long term relationships, so we knew it wasn't going to be long he and Eve were together but even this on screen relationship was shorter than most!

Perhaps the voicemail should have been written better, because I actually disagree that it was a romantic breakup message let alone a "clear" one. To me it's more a "our search together for my sister is something I'm doing alone, we'll see about us when I'm done." Perhaps there will be more revealed about this later, because a voicemail break up seems out of Eve's character as she did want to confront Malcom with the truth about her sister, and only turned to a note when it seemed like she wouldn't be listened to and she was already despised by the family. I don't know, but I disagree it was a clear romantic breakup, and I'm hoping there will be more to this later because even lacking actor chemistry, the relationship and the character deserve a better end than that!

Thrilling though, to see our boy (hindered through his grief) defend our dearly departed Eve for not being a suicide and catch the loaded weapon albeit the real murderer is still at large. Great lead up to a season finale.

I know the Gil and Jessica romance was led into, and I don't have a problem with it happening (technically Gil is Malcom's "dad" in all the ways that term matters) but I wasn't thrilled with it happening how it happened (Jessica being so vulnerable) and in this episode with everything else going on!

AND GOODNESS! This is what I'm talking about with the overdramatic and even melodramatic elements!

1. Why is the assassin trying to strangle Dr. Martin Whitly? Of all the ways to kill him, that seems stupid! Especially as I see Endicott as the kind of guy who would ensure Whitly see every punishment threatened to come about should Whitly break their deal actually come about.

2. And WHY is the police department literally breaking through Malcolm's door to arrest him at the end? I understand them arresting him, of course, but the theatrics of breaking down the door with SWATT are over the top!

Guys, don't let me down next episode, ok?
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