Romeo & Juliet review
21 April 2020
A cautionary tale about the threat posed to young lovers by well-meaning monks. Shakespeare's tale of tragic star-crossed lovers receives a typically lavish treatment from MGM, but while the result is entertaining enough it lacks inspiration and never comes close to capturing the giddy emotions that are supposed to consume the young lovers. Howard and Shearer, boasting a combined age of 79, are too old to play Romeo and Juliet, but Howard at least makes a decent stab at it. At 52, John Barrymore was probably too old to play Mercutio's dad, let alone Mercutio, but he nevertheless gives a stand-out performance as Romeo's clownish friend. Not the definitive version the studio no doubt hoped it would be, Romeo and Juliet has at least taught us one valuable lesson: Andy Devine and Shakespeare is not a good mix.
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