Don't hate the player! As if hating her is even possible...
20 April 2020
The opinions on this anime are polarized. People either enjoyed it for its goofiness and warmth or they hated it because it's not an accurate representation of an MMORPG. To the latter group I can only tell you this: it's not really supposed to be accurate.

The whole premise is based on a good natured girl, who hardly played any video games, that opted for a personal approach rather than an established one for her VR MMORPG experience. So expecting things to go according to gaming standards would be a fool's errand.

Although the protagonist's unique progression path is taken initially because of inexperience and aversion to pain - she maxes defence and ignores every other stat at character creation - she sticks to it even after witnessing "the right way" to play the game. Her capacity to think outside the box leads her to overcome insurmountable obstacles in the most unconventional of ways.

For a very inaccurate show about MMORPG's, this anime nails class roles surprisingly good though. The protagonist is a "tank". Most of her base skills are standard to defence classes, like blocks, counters and taunts. Her good nature intertwines perfectly with the great shield class she chose. Like for instance in some MMO's the tank acts also as a bodyguard for its frailer companions.

The female MC picks skills suited for this selfless play style throughout the show. She does that either actively, because of her desire to protect her in game friends. Or by chance, because she can't ignore even an NPC if it's in distress. Her few very overpowered and accidentally aggressive skills are gained by unorthodox and hilarious methods.

All of her abilities combined turn her into a power house that really should not work at all. Yes it's convenient verging on the absurd. But people! She's breaking the game with kindness and ridiculous counters! Much to the shock and admiration of just her real life friend at first, a girl that is actually well versed in video games. But as the show progresses the MC attracts a few other players to her side. She wins them over first with her altruism and afterwards nurtures their unique qualities. So the social aspect is used to depict a necessary game component as well as a delightful story of friendship.

My one criticism is directed at the Asian MMORPG industry rather than the show. The anime just incorporated two elements that I truly dislike from said industry. First is the insertion of concepts that clash with the fantasy theme of an MMO: I couldn't help but sigh when seeing what the protagonist got from the level 3 area boss. Second being some very... generous body features characters tend to have. A certain healer from the show would make even adult entertainment actresses agree her figure is unrealistic.

But even with that in mind, everything else was thoroughly enjoyable! The PVE related antics were funny, especially when the protagonist resolved things by being unintentionally quirky. The PVP portions of the show (which were the most important) were gripping and touching at the same time. That's because beside the action and the strategy elements they also explored subjects like loyalty, determination for the sake of your friends and not holding grudges.

Truly a superb show if you enjoy watching a heroine bring out the best in herself and the people around her - video game related or otherwise!
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