Boiling Point (I) (1993)
Nothing to See Here
18 April 2020
Sometimes movie titles baffle me. Most of them are straight forward and are based upon the main theme. Some of them come from a statement imbedded within the movie. And then every once in a while you get a title that leaves you scratching your head.

Boiling Point? Really?

The movie begins with Agent Jimmy Mercer's good friend Russo being shot and killed. How do we know he was Jimmy's good friend? Well, because in their 30 seconds of communication Russo mentioned that he was the godfather to Jimmy's son. That was Hollywood's way of saying, "You should care about this guy because the main character does."

After Russo was killed it became a personal vendetta for Jimmy (Wesley Snipes)--an emotionless and impassionate vendetta--to catch Russo's killer. The killer, Ronnie (Viggo Mortenson), was nothing more than a follower. He followed every order of conman sleaze bag named Red Diamond (Dennis Hopper). Red needed 50 grand to pay back the local mob boss and he wasn't the type to get his hands dirty with robbing. He was a scam artist.

This was one of the more boring cop "action" films you could watch. Not that I prefer mind-numbing action, but if you're not going to be action packed you better be offering excellent performances or a clever plot. We got neither. So, what was the "Boiling Point"? The audiences' ability to stay awake.
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