The dangers of complacency and forgetting our ideals
18 April 2020
The show depicts how Charles Lindberg defeats FDR in the 1940 elections and how a country, in this case the US, can gradually slide into fascism and totalitarism. The show depicts a struggle between America's ideals and racism/bigotry/intolerance and shows is how fragile our liberties and freedoms really are.

The cast is amazing. Every main character seems real and fleshed out. Morgan Spector and Zoe Kazan are brilliant as Herman and Bess. The kid actors are wonderful and every supporting actor is perfectly cast. I really felt like I got a unique perspective into the Jewish community in the 1940s.

The dialogue is engaging and insightful. Characters debate about issues and you feel invested in the arguments. The shows beauty and horror is how the scenarios in these arguments don't remain distant possibilities for long and start to materialize. What the show really excels at is how an atmosphere of uncertainty and dread starts to creep in and it really shows how suddenly you can lose your country.

This show is shot beautifully and it really transports you to the 40s. The lighting is soft and creamy and the color palette really captures the era. The details are meticulous: the costumes, old cars, locations and even pinball machines. I haven't really seen a show shot like this and it feels more like a movie than a mini series.

It seems crazy that we still need to be reminded about equality and human rights in the 21st century. We are all human. We are all created equal. We all have the same rights. Anyone who tries to divide a country and claim otherwise should not be in charge. I will fight for your freedom and I hope you will fight for mine.

I urge you to watch this show. I maybe a more patient viewer but I never felt like the show was moving slowly. The plot moves quickly through time and I felt like almost each scene sets up relevant plot points that are payed off later, just like in the Wire.

I have watched all five episodes so far and I wanted to write a review and recommend the show to others. Can't wait to see how the show continues.
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