Anamorphic Galaxy Guardians
16 April 2020
This show is another under the radar gem. It's also another one of my childhood gems, I was a kid of both the 80's and 90's and yeah like a lot of kids I was a fan of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", the 80's show truly was a phenomenon that really helped kick the anamorphic subgenre into high gear so it's no surprise that many others would follow suit.

When I saw this show come around it really blew me away being a sci-fi fan, seeing anamorphic characters in space it really was a unique idea and actually was a hit; like Turtles it was based on a graphic novel, it had a toy line, and there were even a couple of video games one for the NES (which I reviewed) and a arcade game, both are awesome. But sadly, it wasn't enough due to the fame of Turtles still going on it, like a comet this franchise passed most of the public eye.

This show really was something else in the animated sub-genre but also even in sci-fi also, it definitely predates the "Guardians of the Galaxy" film franchise, TV show "Firefly" also prematurely cut short, but also the "Star Fox" video game franchise which came out long after this show.

I really like the premise which I'll admit is wild, on an alternate universe where it's sometime in the future and humanoid animals are the dominant species. Yeah, like I said wild but like with the DC verse, there are multiple universes and Earth's in existence, who's to say one universe and world everyone must look human.

This aside it's basically your good against evil plotline as Bucky along with a rag tag group are fighting for freedom against the Toads whom are the fascists, nothing new but it's the execution that makes it stand out. But I really find the aniverse fascinating as we see some futuristic, otherworldly, and even familiar things in places which made me want to explore more of this universe and all it has to offer.

The animation is very good, I really like the designs and colors of the characters. I also like the designs of the spaceships which I think are cool and unique from Bucky's ship as well as the Toad's whos ships they always design with the head of a toad.

The action is solid you see some aerial battles in space as well as some laser battles and in some places you do see some hits which is cool shows there is some sense of jeopardy and that these anamorphic freedom fighters are risking their lives.

And of course, there is that theme song which is one of my favorite theme songs of all time. It's such a rocking and exciting tune, that just gets you pumped up for action which is exactly what the show delivers.

The characters are also good and have a good voice cast ensemble. They all have unique personas and even a certain amount of depth to them as each episode is focused on different crew members. Three characters I really like are Bucky who is just the courage leader arcitype but in a good way as he has some charisma and is highly determined at what he does.

Jenny who is sort of a feline Jean Grey as she has psychic powers where are very useful from telepathic communication, picking up on danger and other things depending on the episode.

Though of course my favorite character is Dead Eye voiced by one of my favorite voice actors Scott McNeil. His character is sort of like Raphael from "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" as he's the most aggressive and battle hunger of the bunch, but also has a little of that darkness as he's an ex space pirate. His character also is a bit like Rocket Racoon from "Guardian's of the Galaxy" (man he could of easily fit into this series) is also a spit fire as he has some of the best lines in the show the most notable on is "Let's croak some Toads!"

This is another franchise that can use a revival, there really is a lot of potential to be had. From exploring more of this alternate universe and a lot more of what it has to offer. Bring more depth to the characters and the worlds they inhabit.

Could go either the same direction or even a slightly dark direction make the show a little like "The Expanse" where during this war Bucky is trying to for his crew there is also something more going on at the same time like some conspirators that are causing ruin but also have a dark purpose. Maybe also in part of a season they could take the war straight to our world and Bucky and his crew must come to ours to save it. Well it's all a thought to consider.

Bucky O Hare jump high from space and beyond.

Rating: 3 stars
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