Restaurants on the Edge (2019–2020)
Contemporary TV - show which lacks authenticity
15 April 2020
What should I say? This show is basically everything what is wrong with food journalism! It is shallower than puddle of gravy...

Let's start with the restaurateur: I don't say, that he doesn't have good ideas. But it seems that the solutions what he has, is short-lived.

The designer - wow - she is more interested in showing how beautiful she is (she is cute) - and pushes her taste on everybody around. While she is incorporating some designs and decorations from the respective regions, the changes are just skin-deep not really.

Same applies to the chef. I actually really enjoyed his experiences with local cuisine and food culture. But then he is just curating a menu, which again is shallow and doesn't really incorporate an important aspect of the culture.

Further I have got the feeling, that every single restaurant will fail (again) after just a short while. Because I don't see a lot of training or some changes. A lot of restaurateurs are really frustrated, that they have no clue how to manage a restaurant - but these guys coming in and just bruise up the restaurant make a new menu and calling it a day.

It seems, that this program is a total rip off of Kitchen Nightmare featuring Gordon Ramsey. I always thought, that it is not possible to turn a restaurant so quickly around - but Ramsey did a far better job than those 3.

The tragedies and failures of the restaurant owners seem to be just a prop for this show and it really seems, that these 3 protagonists are more interested to have their own fun - than really caring for the restaurants.
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