Criminal grit
14 April 2020
Really liked the premise for 'Scene of the Crime'. The title was appetising and immediately made me want to see it, with crime thriller like films being right up my alley. Andre Previn penned some interesting scores, though he is more the appreciate rather than love film composers (know him better as a conductor though). The cast, with the likes of Van Johnson, Arlene Dahl and Gloria DeHaven, intrigued, but there was the worry as to whether Johnson would be right for his role.

Those reservations sadly did prove to be correct in my view. Although 'Scene of the Crime' itself as an overall film was not bad at all, personally felt it was above average. Am not going to say that 'Scene of the Crime' was a great or flawless film, because it wasn't really on either count and there is not a lot that is awfully special here. It is mostly well put together and very competently done, so it is definitely more than watchable.

'Scene of the Crime' has suitably gritty photography, it's capably directed generally and the score from Previn is ominous. Enough of the dialogue crackles, plenty of snap and intensity. The story has some great moments, mentioned in previous comments, and is at its best when the film gets particularly gritty and pulls no punches.

Most of the performances are good. DeHaven has one of the more interesting characters and brings sultriness and edge to her. Dahl is also radiant and plays her part with steel and heart. Norman Lloyd makes for an entertaining sleaze.

Less successful sadly is a miscast Johnson. The role needed a lot more intensity and hard boiled edge than what Johnson actually gave, which was mostly stone-faced and ill-at-ease. Donald Woods does what he can with his character, though can overplay, but the character is overused and can come over as irritating.

Other parts of the dialogue were very clumsy and unrealistically anachronistic. The story sometimes felt padded as well as pretty routine, from going too far on familiar cliches done little new with, and obvious.

Concluding, very watchable but it didn't have the wow factor, which it would have had with more suspense and a more suitable leading man. 6/10
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