Film art should not be tied to political gifts
14 April 2020
The relatively best of the seven is Ning Hao's "Hello Beijing" and Guan Hu's "Eve". The two directors have extensive commercial film experience. Their stability is precisely because they have adopted the most classic and traditional dramas. mode. Ning Hao chose the character-driven arc to show the dramatic tension. Although the plot development is strongly predictable and outdated, it has to be said to be the most complete. Only the taxi driver played by Ge You in the seven departments is The most humanized and closest to the lives of citizens, the unique sense of market humor in Ning Hao's movies minimizes stereotypes here, so "Hello Beijing" can even be said to have author characteristics.

Play "Little people in big events" or "little people meet big events" are not only about methodology but also about values.

Audiovisual Close-ups, slow motion, and music rendering are overused, like TV specials.

theme In addition to "national power", should we also show "people's wealth"?
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