Citizen Koch (2013)
That the Democrats get about 50% more per cycle from billionaires is not mentioned?
13 April 2020
Nor is mentioned that Michael Bloomberg, chiefly though using his 501(c)3 and 501-(c)4 "charities" and non-profits" has put 370% more money into politics that both Koch brothers? PBS refused to air this program after scores of objective falsehoods were found by PBS fact checkers. Oh and no mention that this documentary itself was in large part funded by big political donors for the DNC and unions in Wisconsin for the DNC? so unions, often giving their members' dues money to Democrat candidates without the agreement of their members is ok? How about a documentary on the fact that while 57% of US union member are Democrats, the unions give 99.9% of their political money to the Democrat party? And that is WAY more money than all citizens sited funds. Fact: Republican citizens in Wisconsin unions were forced -- without consent -- to give more money to the Democrats in Wisconsin than all Koch spending in that state.
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