"True example of unwanted embarrassment"
12 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Ok when I first started this movie I thought that , ok so far not too bad, pretty low budget but seems fairly solid, but later when we get into the freaking movie it's literally trying to be like The Asylums version of the Marvel Cinematic Universe where there's several homages to The Asylums past project, when the sharks start raining the sky I'm like "What is this? A Sharknado crossover or something?".

That's not the only thing wrong with this film, next up you're gonna see crappy CGI animals that look like they were taken from those 3D models that look like they're right there in front of you that you find on google with your phone, also some of the line delivery's from the main protagonists are sometimes atrocious and very cliche. This movie is terrible and this is rather embarrassing to be a part of because this is gonna become part of your acting legacy and the public will take it mostly an offense that a company is ripping off a 132 million dollar big budget movie and those people that have a connection with these actresses will hate what they have signed up for. 2/10 (awful)
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