Review of Killer Sofa

Killer Sofa (2019)
Killin' Time
12 April 2020
Well I have watched possessed/killer movies about houses, dolls, cars, trucks, machines, manglers, masks, mall security robots, flutes, clown outfits, elevators/lifts, sand, beds and car tires. Why not a recliner?

And please note: I said "recliner," not sofa. What a misleading title! We've been duped!

I don't mind these wacky killer inanimate object films as long as they're inventive. Rubber, the killer tire movie, was probably my all-time favorite since it was wildly creative on its own, but just when it could get stale, BAM! the movie splits into two. Brilliant.

Killer "Sofa," not so much. Frankly, there were very few and far between scenes involving the easy chair. I will say, a few of them, though predictable, were cute and funny and a tad scary.

For better or worse, the movie took itself serious and I do like a movie that picks one tone and commits to it. Either be goofy at times, but still with horror, like Rubber, or never let your guard down and be 100% straight with the concept.

(That is, except for some of the mobile scenes involving...springs and buttons. Why wold a chair like that have those big buttons, except for being comical eyes for a possessed chair?)

It would be okay for all the above, but the majority of the movie is so convoluted with far to many characters, subplots, direction and by the time the third act came around, I had hardly a clue what was going on or anybody motives.

If it were fun, I'd recommend it. If it were serious and mostly about the chair not sofa, I'd recommend it. Sadly, it fit neither and gets no recommendation.


Final Thoughts: Don't let the poster fool you. I wish it was that creative and scary!
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