"I have arrived at the top of the world."
9 April 2020
A female FBI agent, Tracy Pride (Cynthia Rothrock), and her overachieving reporter sister, Joyce Pride (Donna Jason), have their sights set on taking down a corrupt banker who just happens to have a nuclear triggering device he's going to sell to the highest bidder.

If Honor and Glory wasn't so ridiculously funny, it might be one of the worst movies I'd ever seen. Fortunately, it's a deliciously hysterical mess of a movie. Godfrey Ho has managed to craft the most amazingly spastic movie imaginable. The writing, directing, and editing all seem like they were handled by a chipmunk on speed. How else do you explain a slap-fight for keys and a chopstick battle over green beans? Characters do and say the most ludicrous things. The abrupt nature of the laugh-out-loud fight scene with Joyce and a senator's daughter being a prime example. As for the plot - well forget about it. Ho certainly did. But the best (or is that worst?) thing Honor and Glory has going for it is chief baddie, Jason Slade (John Miller). Over-the-top doesn't begin to describe this butt-kicking banker. I suggest you sit back and enjoy - especially his jaw-dropping monologue, "I have arrived at the top of the world. No man has control of more money. No man can fight me and live. No woman can share my bed and not be mine for life. I am like a god! I piss on you, from a great height." Just amazing!

Given this is a Cynthia Rothrock movie, you're probably expecting a heavy dose of fight sequences. If so, you're in luck. Not all are great, but the scenes featuring Chuck Jeffreys are a highlight. As for Rothrock, I've never been much of a fan of her on-screen fighting. There's no doubting she has the technical skills, but for whatever reason, it doesn't always translate well to film.

As I said, this isn't at all a "good" movie. Regardless, I find it entertaining enough to give a 6/10.

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