Review of Another

Another (2012)
A "Must Watch" for fans of the Horror genre
9 April 2020
Going in with low expectations after watching "Terra Formars" (how that garbage anime is considered horror is beyond me) I was really surprised.

The first few episodes were wonderfully creepy, creating a perfect amount of doubt and setting the stage for the following half of the series.

The final part of the arc is masterfully done, showing the group insanity that would occur in that kind of situation (seriously, we really do go all "Lord of the Flies" when things get bad enough) and how hard it is to reign in the mass-hysteria.

For those complaining about the ending, and the last minute reveal, I'd suggest reserving judgment until you finish the series. Looking at the characters, their backstory, age, and growth I find it completely reasonable.

I'd suggest tracking down the OVA, it doesn't add to the "End" but does help flush out the main characters a bit.
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